The Influence of the Teacher's Role on the Learning Motivation of Class XI Students Majoring in Office Administration at SMK Negeri 3 North Luwu
Kata Kunci:
Role; Teacher; Motivation; Learn; Student.Abstrak
The task of teachers as educators is not only to deliver material or learning in the classroom but must be able to motivate students. To foster high student learning motivation, the role of teachers and students is needed, because only a teacher and the students themselves can foster student learning motivation while in the classroom. This study discusses the influence of the role of teachers on the learning motivation of grade XI students majoring in office administration at SMK Negeri 3 North Luwu. This type of quantitative research established a sample of 32 out of a population of 35 students. Data were collected using observation, questionnaire, and documentation techniques. Data is processed and analyzed using the SPSS 24 application consisting of descriptive analysis, normality test, linearity test, product-moment correlation, t-test, determination coefficient test, and simple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the indicators used on each of these variables showed where the role of teachers and student learning motivation was in a good category. Based on the correlation test, there is a moderate relationship between the two variables. Based on a simple linear regression analysis, it was concluded that there was a significant influence between the role of teachers on the learning motivation of grade XI students majoring in office administration at SMK Negeri 3 North Luwu.