Level of Satisfaction at Malino Tourist Attractions


Kata Kunci:

Satisfaction; Tourist attraction.


This research aims to obtain answers to problems regarding the level of satisfaction with the Malino tourist attraction. The population for this research is all visitors to Malino. The sample used was 50 visitors. The type of research used is descriptive research and the research instruments used are questionnaires and documentation. Research data processing uses descriptive statistics while the data analysis technique used is percentages. 31 visitors answered strongly agree (62%), visitors who answered agree were 16 people (32%), visitors who answered disagree were 3 people (6%) and visitors who answered strongly disagree were 0 people (0%). The classification of visitors' answers who have a high level of satisfaction with tourist attractions in Malino is 47 people with a percentage of 94% (a combination of answers strongly agree and agree). The classification of visitors' answers who have a low level of satisfaction with tourist attractions in Malino is 3 people with a percentage of 6% ( combined answers of disagree and strongly disagree). So, through data processing, the results obtained were that the level of satisfaction with the Malino tourist attraction was 94%, which was relatively high.






Cara Mengutip

Level of Satisfaction at Malino Tourist Attractions. (2024). Cakra Journal of Sports and Health, 1(1), 32-37. https://cakra-edus.id/index.php/cjosah/article/view/5