Hammi Hadith of the Prophet SAW and its Implications for the Understanding of Hadith


  • Khairul Umam UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim, Riau Penulis

Kata Kunci:

Hadith; Hammi Nabi SAW; Implications; Understanding.


This research proves the validity of the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW which he did not practice. In principle, we want to prove the conclusion of al-Syaukani (d.1250 H) or Muhammad Sulaiman al-Ashqar who stated that there was no element of follow-up or constituency (commitment to following the Prophet Muhammad SAW) in the narrative. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) had nothing in common, plus, there is evidence that subsequent generations (sahabah and tabiin) did not follow this tradition (sunnah). This study concludes that the history of the Prophet SAW with something he did not do (hammi hadith) is closely related to the study of theology, namely about the Prophet's infallibility, and has implications for understanding in proving the meaning of the hadith. In this research, there is a "dualism" regarding the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad with something that has not been achieved. It is located between the positions of rejection and acceptance, as well as the positions of rejection and acceptance together. In other words, an attempt is made to understand the history of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). In the end, this research is in line with the thoughts of Ibn Hajar al-Haitami (909-974 H) and supports the opinions of al-Shafi'I (d.205), al-Nawawi (676), Ibn Taimiyah (d.728), al-Harawi (767-829 H), and Tariq bin Muhammad al-Tawari who was more inclined to accept this Hammi riwaya by using methods, such as the method of interpretation (ta'wil) or compromise. method (aljam). The evidence and findings of this research answer the opinion of al-Syaukani (d. 1250 H) or Muhammad Sulaiman al-Ashqar mentioned above, apart from both of them, it is stated that a prophet or apostle can't do this.


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Cara Mengutip

Hammi Hadith of the Prophet SAW and its Implications for the Understanding of Hadith. (2024). Cakra Journal of Religion, 1(1), 01-04. https://cakra-edus.id/index.php/cjorel/article/view/9