Examining the Science of Al Jarh Wa Ta'dil
Kata Kunci:
Knowledge, Jarh, Ta‟Dil.Abstrak
The knowledge of Al-Jarh wa At-Ta‟dil is the knowledge that explains the defects faced by the narrators and about their penta‟dil (looking straight at the narrators) by using specific words to accept or reject their narrations. This knowledge grows together with the growth of narration in Islam, because to know authentic hadiths, it is necessary to know the condition of the narrators, in a way that allows scholars to determine the truth of the narrators or their falsity until they can feel between what is accepted and what is rejected. Because of that the scholars asked about the condition of the narrators, and examined their scientific life, to find out who memorized better and had a stronger memory. As for the use of the Knowledge of Al Jarh wa Ta‟dil to determine the quality of the narrator and the value of the hadith. Determining whether the narration of a narrator can be accepted or rejected altogether.