Description of the Results of Urine Sediment Examination in Diabetes Mellitus Patients at the Tourism General Hospital, University of East Indonesia, Makassar City


  • Suharsi Tahir Universitas Indonesia Timur Author
  • Jurnal Syarif Universitas Indonesia Timur Author
  • Sri Winda Abdullah Universitas Indonesia Timur Author


Urine Sediment; Patients; Diabetes Mellitus


A urine sediment examination is an examination to determine any abnormalities in the urine sample. Urine sediment examination is related to various health problems, one of which is diabetes mellitus where there are abnormal levels in the urine sediment results which will disrupt the health of the body. This study aims to determine the description of the results of urine sediment examination in diabetes mellitus sufferers at the Tourism General Hospital, University of East Indonesia, Makassar City using microscopic methods. This type of research is laboratory observation research with a descriptive approach. This research was conducted at RSUW, University of East Indonesia. The population in this study was 15 samples using the Accidental Sampling technique so 5 samples were found in the study. Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, it can be concluded that the 5 samples were declared abnormal and were examined at the Tourism General Hospital, University of East Indonesia, Makassar City





